Monday, July 10, 2006

Waking Up....

If I have faltered more or less,
In my great task of happiness,
If I have moved among my race,
And showed no shining morning face,
If books and my food and summer rain,
Knock on my quiet heart in vain,
Lord, Thy most pointed pleasure take,
And stab my spirit broad awake.

-Robert Louis Stevenson


Anna E. P. said...

I like it. May I ask who wrote it?

Eucharisto said...

I agree wholeheartedly. I was almost about to jump on my computer yesterday, on the way in the house, but when I looked behind me, I saw the most brilliant sunset shining above the mountains. It was as if God had used pastels to hills of swirling grey, and then taken a shiny gold pen and highlighted the clouds. I sat and enjoyed it for about 20 minutes, something I've not done in some time.

Stab my spirit broad awake, indeed.

Anna E. P. said...


Ruth said...

You've been TAGGED!

I miss hearing your inspired words :)