Saturday, March 10, 2007

From the green mountains of North Carolina...

Well, at the moment, it's actually the Charlotte Airport, but for the past week it's been Asheville and various perches in mountainside cabins. It's been a glorious week. There is something utterly soul-altering in separating oneself from "normal life" and spending a week immersed in the decided peace of a hidden mountain home. It provides the soul with an abundance of hours to fill with the rare delights of really good relaxation; i.e., mountain sunsets, winter gardens, great books, long movies, good food and lots of tea. Sometimes I feel that modern life with it's mindless rush almost siphons the energy, the vim for gracious living right out of my bones.

I want to live life in a dancing, wondrous-eyed sort of way. I want to know God's presence not just in my hungering prayers but in the tangible mercy of his creation. In my more spiritually lucid days I always feel that God is heartbeat close in music, that somehow nature mirrors the very fabric of his character, that stories tell a great tale about the epic of which i am part. But modern life with its freeways and technology and noise so frazzles me at times that I barely feel able to concentrate or be quiet and enjoy beauty even for a solid minute.

The lovely hush of these last few days has taken me by the hand and led me back to a peace of heart and a joy in God's tangible goodness that I have long missed.

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